Financial solutions for legal challenges

what we do


The bankruptcy processes present to the debtor, creditor and third parties’ financial opportunities in a very complex legal situation. Additionally, this complex situation is, generally, managed in different jurisdictions. We can provide non-recourse capital to law firms that litigate  bankruptcy matters on contingency. The direct injection of capital helps smooth cash flow for the firm and lower its risk exposure. This funding enables the firm to capitalize the expansion of its contingency business or take on litigation expense risk when a cash-poor estate cannot pay litigation expenses. We can provide non-recourse funding to cash-strapped estates and trusts that have litigation assets, potentially allowing for a faster and larger recovery to the estate and creditors. If a trustee has a basket of claims that include claims or counterclaims against the estate, litigation finance can also help finance the legal fees on both affirmative and defensive claims. We also invest on assets and rights that could be entangled within a bankruptcy process. Armax Capital is ready to deliver advisory to bankruptcy, chapter 11 administrators and company assets and receivables liquidations.  Also, Armax Capital is ready to find investors ready to participate in these processes.